About measuring Sweden

Mätsverige.se was started after years of frustration where they tried to google measurement-term after measurement-term without getting any meaningful result.
We therefore want – through joint efforts – to build a free knowledge bank where meters can share experiences to increase knowledge in the measurement industry.

But enough about us. Let’s talk about you.

Are you studying measurement techniques? Are you a measurement manager? Or do you run your own consulting firm?
We all need a sounding board sometimes and measuring Sweden wants to be your sounding board in the measuring industry.
Here are three reasons to become a member of Mätsverige.se:

  • Meet other great meters.
  • Interesting content about the measurement industry.
  • Competence development.

Do you want to get involved in the site or become a writer?

Feel free to use our contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you! 🙂